Peyronie’s Disease

What is Peyronie’s Disease?

Peyronie’s disease is a condition where excessive scar tissue develops in the penis and causes interference with erections. Virtually every penis has some degree of curvature, but Peyronie’s disease means it causes pain or even prevents erections. If you have Peyronie’s disease, you may have difficulty having sex or sustaining an erection because of the degree of curvature. Peyronie’s disease does not go away and can even worsen over time, meaning it requires early treatment by our knowledgeable providers.

What Causes Peyronie’s Disease?

It’s unclear exactly what causes Peyronie’s disease, but it’s the result of too much scar tissue developing in the penis. This scar tissue causes the penis to bend abnormally by putting tension on a specific area of the shaft. It’s thought that Peyronie’s disease may be caused by an injury or multiple small injuries over time which cause scar tissue to build up. However, not everyone who experiences an injury also experiences Peyronie’s disease, so men with this condition may simply be more likely to develop excessive scar tissue for various reasons such as connective tissue disorders.

Peyronie’s Disease Symptoms

Peyronie’s disease produces a noticeable curve or bend in your penis (typically greater than a 30-degree angle). This curvature typically points upward, although it’s possible to curve sideways or downward depending on the location of the scar tissue. Peyronie’s disease can also produce noticeable changes in the shape, length, or girth. You may be able to feel hard bumps or scar tissue in the shaft. This can cause you to have problems with sexual intercourse – it may even cause significant pain when you get an erection.

Peyronie’s disease can cause embarrassment and feelings of low self-esteem if it disrupts your sexual relationships. You may avoid intimacy or feel overly anxious about sexual encounters because of the appearance of your penis, as well as any associated pain or discomfort during an erection. In this case, consulting a compassionate and knowledgeable provider can help you achieve relief.

Peyronie’s Disease Treatment

Peyronie’s disease is best treated with a personalized plan specifically tailored to your circumstances and symptoms. There are a variety of options available, and your provider may recommend a combination therapy. Firstly, some devices may be used to help break down scar tissue and reduce the curvature of the penis (called traction therapy). This is typically done at home over a long period and works best in the early stages of Peyronie’s disease. Secondly, some medications may be able to help improve blood flow to the penis and reduce rigidity. Finally, treatments such as PRP (platelet-rich plasma) and Pulse Wave Therapy have shown promise in treating Peyronie’s disease. Only in rare cases is surgery recommended for Peyronie’s disease and our providers will help you explore all other possible options.

Contact Us Today

At Tideline Center for Health & Aesthetics, we can help you find relief from Peyronie’s disease and feel more confident in your intimate relationships. To meet with our providers, contact our office today by calling or filling out our online form.



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