Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) has become one of the most recommended treatment options for men experiencing low testosterone levels. However, BHRT comes in many forms, making it a customizable option that can fit your unique preferences and lifestyle needs. The most popular form of BHRT is pellets, which can be implanted under the skin and offer many benefits. At Tideline Center for Health & Aesthetics, we are a Biote® certified provider, offering the leading BHRT technologies. Here’s what to know about pellet therapy and why it’s our most recommended option.
What is BHRT?
BHRT means administering bioidentical hormones into the body to fill the gap left by your natural hormone levels. These synthetic hormones are exactly like the ones found in your body, meaning they are completely biocompatible. By supplementing your natural hormone levels, you can experience better overall function and day-to-day well-being.
BHRT is typically recommended for men who are beginning to experience signs of aging such as low hormone levels. Although women benefit from hormone therapy during menopause, men also greatly benefit from hormone therapy to combat the low testosterone that comes with aging.
How Do Hormone Pellets Work?
Biote® is one of the leading manufacturers of BHRT pellets. Rather than a one-size-fits-all approach, Biote® offers custom-compounded pellets with tailored levels of hormones and binders. Our providers will help you create the ideal pellet for your needs based on lab tests. Once the pellets are manufactured at a U.S. pharmacy, they are inserted under the skin during a short, in-office procedure with local anesthesia. There, it releases a steady stream of hormones over the next few months.
What Are the Benefits of Hormone Pellets?
Many patients choose hormone pellets because they don’t require you to do anything between sessions. Unlike patches, creams, or injections, they work all the time and won’t interfere with your daily routine. They’re also great for patients who have active lifestyles or who don’t want the hassle of remembering to use patches, apply creams, or give injections. Finally, pellets maintain a steady stream of hormones, meaning there are no fluctuations in your results.
When Will I See Results from Hormone Pellets?
Most men see improvement almost immediately, with symptoms lessening after one to two weeks. However, it can take up to six months to see the full benefits as the body responds to normalized hormone levels. This typically means two treatments spaced about four months apart are recommended. At this point, you’ll enjoy higher energy levels, better mental health and functioning, increased muscle mass, and more.
How Long Can I Use BHRT?
The length of time you’re on BHRT can depend on a variety of factors. Some men use BHRT temporarily to restore hormone levels, while others use it for longer. Our experienced providers can help you determine the appropriate treatment outlook and decide on the ideal long-term plan with BHRT.
Biote® Pellets at Tideline Center for Health & Aesthetics
If you’re interested in learning more about your options with testosterone replacement therapy, our providers can help. To meet with our team and explore pellet therapy, contact our office serving the greater Long Island and Queens, NY areas.
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Our Trusted Hormone Balancing Solutions
Unlock the secrets to a more fulfilling and vibrant life through our cutting-edge biote hormone balancing treatments. We specialize in personalized care for both men and women, addressing intimate health concerns with precision and expertise. Reclaim the vitality you deserve—experience the transformative power of biote therapy today.
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