5 Causes of Hot Flashes in Men

We tend to associate hot flashes with women, especially as a symptom of menopause. But hot flashes can occur in people of any gender, and they can be just as difficult to live with. If you’ve been experiencing hot flashes, it can catch you off-guard and even cause hesitance when you consider getting treatment. Our intimate health providers can help you learn more about hot flashes and their causes, especially in men. Here’s what to know about this phenomenon and how Tideline Center for Health & Aesthetics can help.

Stress and Anxiety

Stress and anxiety responses can be very similar to hot flashes. When you’re anxious or stressed, your sweat glands become more active, and you may feel intensely warm. This is perfectly normal and is a natural response by your body to stressful or dangerous situations. Unfortunately, if you’re feeling like this from day to day, it’s important to get treatment. Working with a mental health professional and using medication to manage your anxiety can help reduce hot flashes and intense sweating.


Certain medications can cause hot flashes as a side effect. These include steroids, opioids, NSAIDs, Viagra, certain antidepressants, and much more. If you think your hot flashes might be tied to any medications you use, it’s worth meeting with your regular provider to see what can be done to adjust your dosage or switch to a different one.


Alcohol has a wide range of effects on the body. When you drink, it causes the blood vessels to widen, increasing blood flow to the surface of the skin. It can also disrupt hormone regulation, interfere with body temperature regulation, and much more. If you find your hot flashes are tied to alcohol use, consider limiting the number of drinks and their frequency. If that seems difficult to do, make sure to meet with a healthcare professional to learn about your next steps.

Medical Therapies

Certain medical therapies can cause hot flashes. Androgen deprivation therapy is a common treatment for prostate cancer that lowers testosterone levels, resulting in hot flashes. Chemotherapy and estrogen therapy can also result in hot flashes. It’s worth meeting with your care team to learn how to manage the side effects if you’re undergoing medical therapy.

Low Testosterone

Low testosterone is one of the most notable causes of hot flashes in men. Just how women experience hot flashes with low estrogen, men can experience hot flashes because of a natural decline in testosterone levels over time. Testosterone is responsible for many different functions in the body, and lower levels can cause deregulation of many different hormone-driven systems. In short, hot flashes can be the product of your body trying to regulate temperature, even when it’s not needed. Fortunately, hormone therapy is the easiest way to replenish testosterone levels and manage symptoms such as hot flashes.

Hot Flash Treatment at Tideline Center for Health & Aesthetics

Our team of knowledgeable intimate health providers can help you learn more about possible underlying causes of hot flashes and explore our best treatment options. To schedule an appointment, contact our office today. We conveniently serve the greater Long Island and Queens, NY areas.

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